Sunday, May 22, 2011


WHAT WE SEE:                                    
The image of a healthy, happy cow in a beautiful pasture setting, with a background intimating a diet of green grass, and a healthy dose of Vitamin D from direct sunlight.  Oh yes, and it's "Organic".

Care to know what really goes on?  
Scroll down .  .  .

This injured cow is called a "Downer" - one of the millions of pathetic and heart-breaking images of what really goes on in Factory Farms.  This is one of the least disturbing images I have come across among hundreds of others.

Did you know that her calf was taken away from her within 24 hours after birth, so that she could be milked for human consumption?
Why are we drinking her milk?

This video says it all - but please be warned: it is very tough to see:
Truth vs. Propaganda

Ever since I was a little girl, I have been exposed to pro-dairy declarations: "Drink your milk for strong bones!" "Dairy prevents osteoporosis!" "Must have your calcium!"  "Milk will help you grow!" (I'm still only 5'2").  The messages were ubiquitous - in advertising and at home - and therefore, very convincing.  

I don’t know about you, but I thought that if I didn’t consume adequate amounts of dairy I would one day be a hunched-over, brittle-boned old lady. Well, I loved my milk - I would drink 3 glasses at a time without flinching, embrace yogurt and ice cream like there was no tomorrow, and fed my addiction for cheese on a daily basis.  I loved dairy.  

Looking back, I am convinced that my Digestive issues (IBS and Acid Reflux) as well as my Infertility issues (Endometreosis) were negatively impacted by my intake of dairy: science and research today proves that to be the case.

Since giving up dairy completely now for over 2 years, I no longer suffer from IBS.  I no longer have to take prescription medication for Acid Reflux nor do I suffer from it's pain.  I have not had one sinus infection, where I used to expect two a year.  Coincidence?  I think not!

The need for humans to consume dairy at all is very misleading - it is simply propaganda from the dairy industry, agricultural groups, and food manufacturing companies, to keep them all in business, big business.  

FACT: the United States, one of the highest consumers of dairy products, has the highest rate of Osteoporosis; whereas China and Japan, where dairy is not a part of their diet, have the lowest rates of Osteoporosis.

Did you know that humans are the only animals to drink the milk of other species and to drink milk at all past infancy? There is good reason for this. See if any of these additional arguments persuade you to pass on dairy:

5 Reasons To Give Up Dairy
. Humans weren’t made to digest milk: Most humans naturally stop producing significant amounts of lactase (the enzyme needed to properly metabolise lactose, the sugar in milk), sometime between the ages of 2 and 5.  In fact, for most mammals, the normal condition is to stop producing the enzymes needed to properly digest and metabolise milk after they have been weaned.  When we consume foods that are not properly digested, the excess is not efficiently eliminated, and leads to problems of excretion like asthma, allergies, strep throat, tonsillitis, ear infections, pimples/acne, weight gain, and excessive mucous and phlegm.

. Dairy causes calcium deficiency: It turns out all those ads telling us that the calcium in dairy will give you strong bones was all a load of manure (pardon the pun). The consumption of dairy actually contributes largely to a deficiency in calcium in the body! Animal protein (found highly in dairy) increases the acid load in the body. In order to neutralize the acid, the body uses calcium. This calcium ends up being pulled from the bones and the calcium loss weakens them. Sure, dairy may contain calcium, but it is no good at all to the body. Shocking, isn’t it?

. It causes heart disease: Dairy products are high in saturated fats and trans fats. These fats are strongly associated with the development of heart disease.

. Additives: Dairy cows (as with all livestock) are pumped with antibiotics to prevent disease that would be rampant due to living conditions.  They are also fed with processed grains that are not meant for their consumption.  Drug residues do end up in cow's milk: it is estimated that 1/3 of all milk products are contaminated with antibiotic residue.

. It can cause cancer: Research shows that higher intakes of both calcium and dairy products may increase a man's risk of prostate cancer by 30 to 50 percent. Plus, dairy consumption increases the body's level of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) – a known cancer promoter.

Please read Dr. T. Colin Campbell's book: The China Study

o, Where Should We Get Calcium From?

There are plenty of plant foods that are loaded with calcium, as well as other essential nutrients. Calcium is found in high quantities in vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, nuts, seeds, tofu and seaweed.